Apple Podcasts Introduces Follower Metrics

Apple Podcasts Introduces Follower Metrics

Apple Podcasts Introduces Follower Metrics

If you're a podcaster the more insights you have about your audience the better.

We all know that Apple Podcasts have been sluggish with updates over the years.  And it seemed like their were no many at all.

As of beginning of April creators will be able to view metrics for Followers in Apple Podcasts Connect.

By navigating from the Analytics Tab, creators will be able to view followers per show and easily quantify followers across shows. Once you pick a show, you can view the number of New Followers that you've accumulated over the last week, month, 60 days, and all time. In the Trends menu, creators can also see a graph of followers over time and the number of followers gained or lost on a specific day or during a specified range. The information can not be found anywhere publicly.

Every little bit helps especially when it comes to who's following you show, what follower growth looks like, and study trends in the follower growth or audience shrinkage. 

Be sure to start using the information to grow you shows.